Monday, September 26, 2011

The Verdict Is In....

He likes it!!

Getting ready for some yummy cereal

Nolan was beginning to pay a lot of attention to us when we were eating and he would get this look on his face - where is mine? :) So, on Saturday we fed Nolan rice cereal for the first time, and he seemed to like it. He made a funny face for the first few bites, but his tongue didn't spit everything out, only a little bit. After a few bites he seemed to get the hang of things for the most part. The instructions on the box tell you to make it real runny for the first feeding - so it was more like I was feeding him milk on a spoon. Sunday, I made it a little thicker and he did great. He made a mess, but still looked really cute even with rice cereal all over his mouth.

1 comment:

~Emily~ said...

Aww, Staci! He is a total cutie pie!!