Monday, November 19, 2012

30 Is the New 20

Happy birthday to Me!
On Saturday I turned the big 3-0! 
Celebrations started last Sunday when we had a family birthday dinner.  I chose the meal, opened presents and had cake/ice cream.  Families are the best!
Friday, the day before my birthday co-workers decorated my desk area.  Someone made a cake and it was a fun workday, if that is even possible. 
Saturday was the big day!  Nolan had a rough night and I was up with him from 3:00 am - 4:00 am before he finally fell back asleep.  Ryan let me sleep in a little before we headed to breakfast.  Ryan surprised me by taking me to Eggs In the City (on 13th South 17th East).  When we lived in the area we always wanted to try it, but for some reason it never happened.  It was fantastic and I can't wait to go back there again.  My parents came to meet us before breakfast and took Nolan with them so we had the morning to ourselves.  We visited a few of our favorite consignment shops and finished off our morning by getting new phones.  We had been wanting to do it forever, and with Ryan's job it just made sense to make the plunge.  We both got iPhone 4's (they were "free").  I still can't believe we have smart phones since he held out so long without them.  The rest of the day was spent napping and going to the Utah game.  They lost to Arizona which was a bummer but I still love going to the games! 
It was a great birthday and being 30 isn't so bad!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nolan at 18 Months

Nolan has his 18 month check-up on Monday morning and everything looks great!  He had 2 shots this time: flu and his final Hep A.  The Dr. said this would be his last batch of shots until Kindergarten and I couldn't be happier about that! 

Here are the stats:
Height: 32.75 inches (65th percentile)
Weight: 25 pounds (30th percentile)
Head: 18.89 inches (30th percentile)
At 18 Months Nolan:
*Loves to jump off the floor and can do it without falling over
*We finally got rid of his Binky - I did it cold turkey and he didn't even complain or have a hard time without it.  We did this just after he turned 17 months old.
*Loves to feed himself and actually does a pretty good job.  He feeds himself yogurt, applesauce, waffles (even stabs them with a fork) and pretty much everything else we put in front of him.  It always ends messy but he wouldn't have it any other way.
*Still loves his Animal show
*Likes to walk everywhere and not be carried anymore
*Tantrums have begun and I'm talking sit/lay on the floor tantrums
*Brings us books to read to him
*Has to sit on our lap when we read to him
*Says, 'Mama', 'Dada', 'Nice', 'No', 'Graham Cracker', 'Banana', 'Yes', 'I do it', 'Cookie', 'Dog', 'Duck', 'Popye', 'Pie', 'Ball', 'Football', 'What doing' and a few more things I can't remember right now
*Loves to laugh
*Loves to "sing" songs
*His new favorite song is the "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
*Loves cousin Corbin and Easton
*Loves being outside
*Picks up sticks and leaves to bring in the house
*Doesn't like to crawl up and down the stairs - he has to go the "normal" way.  We still try to have him crawl, I think it is much safer at this point
*Hasn't climbed out of his crib yet although I'm sure it is just a matter of time before this happens
He keeps getting cuter and more fun as he gets older!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

At work everyone dressed up and we had a nice catered lunch, costume contest and people brought their kids in to trick or treat.  I didn't bring Nolan in because he doesn't need any more energy from the candy, he has enough and I had some work to do that had to be done by the end of day.  Seeing all the kids come around made me excited for next year when I will bring him in for all the fun!

After work we headed over to my parents to show off Nolan in his costume.  We carved pumpkins and had dinner.  My mom passed out candy while the rest of us watched the Jazz game.  They won - which is always a bonus. 

He wanted the toy that my dad had but I had to get one more picture!