Thursday, March 8, 2012
Left for California at 3:00 pm. We drove along I-80 made many stops along the way. Drives are never short with 3 kids under the age of 3. I hadn't driven along I-80 in a long time so it was fun to see the small towns/cities along the way. We spent the night in Fernley, Nevada.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Next stop, Fresno, California! We needed to be to Fresno by 5:30 to make it to attend the session for Macy in the temple for the first time. Ryan really wanted to drive along Lake Tahoe and then through Carson City. We took some windy roads on our way to Fresno, but we made it in time. Ryan and Zach stayed with the kids while the rest of us went out. We ate dinner at Chili's after the temple with Josh to celebrate his last night as a single man! Being with the original 5 was fun and brought back a lot of memories of the past.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
THE BIG DAY!! There was no sleeping in for the girls, we were up with the babies and they don't sleep in. We had to be at the temple at 10:00 am for the sealing at 10:30 am. We waited in the waiting room for them to tell us we were able to go into the sealing room. A couple of girls from Macy's dad's ward came to watch our boys which we were so grateful for. The sealing was beautiful and you could just tell that Josh and Macy were so happy. They are a great couple and we couldn't be happier for them! It was fun waiting for them to come out of the temple and get pictures taken. I tried to get as many pictures as I could with my camera and I think I got a few good ones. The weather couldn't have been more perfect! We went to a local church in Fresno for a spaghetti luncheon. From there we drove to Bakersfield for the reception. Before we went there we checked in at the hotel and freshened up a bit. The reception was absolutely gorgeous! You never could have guessed it was in a ward building. We had fun taking pictures in the photo booth, eating the treats, dancing the night away, drinks from the Italian soda bar, listening to the toasts from parents and bridesmaid/best man, and having Macy's grandma sing a lovely song. Ryan was out in the hall with Nolan most of the night so Nolan could get some sleep. I really appreciate him doing that so I could enjoy my brother's reception. We were all beat, but stayed to help take everything down. It was a late night and everyone was exhausted.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
We wanted to get on the road as soon as possible since we had a very long day of driving ahead of us. Our hotel was right next to Josh and Macy's hotel. On the way out of town we left a note on their carThe drive was long and everyone was glad to get home. It was a fun weekend and we are so happy for Josh and Macy!