1. We took Nolan swimming at Jared's pool for the first time and he absolutely loved it! This kid was all smiles in the pool!
2. Grocery shopping at Smith's in the avenues with Elder Holland - I went up and said "Hi" to him and told him to have a nice day. He is such a nice man.
3. Watching Easton play t-ball with the fam. I was shocked at how interested Nolan was in the game and he actually sat still for most of the game.
4. Ryan's dad came in town and it was fun spending time with him
5. Getting my hair done by my sister - always love how it looks and feels after a color/cut
6. Nolan sleeping through the night on Sunday night - these nights don't come often enough
7. Going running on Friday night in preparation for my 5K on the 4th of July - yes, I need to prepare for this since I haven't been running in years
8. Spending time with Ryan
9. We must have worn Nolan out because on Saturday, he fell asleep on me while I was waiting for Ryan, Jared and Craig to get back from the store. He has never done this and I loved every minute of it. He is so cute when he sleeps.
10. Walking around Liberty Park Sunday afternoon with Craig, Jared, Ryan and Nolan
Weekends are the best!!