Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Top 10

1. We took Nolan swimming at Jared's pool for the first time and he absolutely loved it! This kid was all smiles in the pool!

2. Grocery shopping at Smith's in the avenues with Elder Holland - I went up and said "Hi" to him and told him to have a nice day.  He is such a nice man. 
3. Watching Easton play t-ball with the fam.  I was shocked at how interested Nolan was in the game and he actually sat still for most of the game.

4. Ryan's dad came in town and it was fun spending time with him
5. Getting my hair done by my sister - always love how it looks and feels after a color/cut
6. Nolan sleeping through the night on Sunday night - these nights don't come often enough
7. Going running on Friday night in preparation for my 5K on the 4th of July - yes, I need to prepare for this since I haven't been running in years
8. Spending time with Ryan
9. We must have worn Nolan out because on Saturday, he fell asleep on me while I was waiting for Ryan, Jared and Craig to get back from the store.  He has never done this and I loved every minute of it.  He is so cute when he sleeps.
10. Walking around Liberty Park Sunday afternoon with Craig, Jared, Ryan and Nolan

Weekends are the best!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Weekend

I love that we have a dedicated day to celebrate our father's. Ryan is a great dad and I love watching him interact with Nolan.  He works so hard for us and we sure do love him!   I am so grateful for my dad and all he has taught me and the unconditional love he shows to all his kids.  He is the best dad ever!  We are grateful for Ryan's dad as well.  He is fun and loves spending time with his kids.   Josh and Macy were speaking in the Garden Park ward so we went to hear them.  We ate dinner at my parents with the whole family and had extended family come over for dessert.  It was a great day!

The rest of the weekend was as follows.....
Friday night Ryan got home from his business trip and we shared a Cafe Rio salad and watched We Bought A Zoo.  Jared came over and we talked with him for a while - it felt like we hadn't seen him in forever, but it had only been a few days. 

Saturday, we attempted to hike to Cecret Lake.  We picked up Matteo to come along with us and we got to the start of the dirt road and the gate was closed.  This would double the hike distance and with Nolan along, we weren't sure how far we would make it.  Nolan didn't want to be held on the hike, he wanted to walk.  When we would try to carry him, he would scream and just wasn't having it.  So he walked most of the way.  We almost made it to the trail head where we were expecting the hike to start and realized we better turn around.  We were meeting Jared for dinner at 6:30 pm and had to drop Nolan off at my parents before meeting him.  I was a little disappointed we didn't make it all the way to the lake, that just means we are going to have to try it again this summer.  Nolan was so sleepy that he actually let me carry him on the way down for a little bit and he fell asleep.  The second I put him in his car seat he woke up ready to play. 

We ate dinner at Citrus grill with Jared, went for a snow cone and stopped at an outdoor expo at Wheeler Park.  Talk about random night.  :)  It was a lot of fun and I loved spending the day with my little family.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nolan at 13 1/2 Months

*Nolan loves to laugh and make you laugh at him
*Loves to pull things out of the cupboards and put them in random places....luckily he only has 3 hiding places right now, the front room by his books, our room by my shoes and the garbage can. 
*Loves to "sing" songs and I tell him and will always tell him he is a good singer
*Has 11 teeth (4 top front, 3 bottom front, and all 4 molars)
*Loves dogs and will point and sat "og" when he sees one
*Loves to unroll the toilet paper
*Loves being around other people and kids
*Loves being chased and tickled
*Points his finger at everything
*Loves lights and turning on/off light switches
*Can go up and down stairs (I'm still right there by him every time)
*Knows how to get down from things - he will turn himself around and slide down
*Doesn't like to be fed his food my someone else, he has to do it himself
*Favorite foods are yogurt, jam sandwiches, yogurt bites, cookies, mac and cheese, eggs and cheerios. 
*Sleeping has gotten better, but most nights he still wakes up at least once or twice
*Loves to be outside
*Loves going for walks
*Still super smiley and I hope that never changes
*Nolan has apparently mastered walking, because he is now running around the house
*Is very curious and spots things that I typically wouldn't
*Has started screaming to get your attention if you aren't looking at him and he wants something
*When he falls down he makes the sound "oh" and it makes me smile everytime
*Will come over to me, grab my hand, open it and give me a toy to play with
*Loves to look under things like his crib, shelves etc.
*Likes to turn the pages in books when he is being read to
*We have a baby book at home with a bunch of pictures with babies in it and he loves that book and will laugh and point at the babies.  If we close the book he runs over to re-open it. 

We think this little is the cutest, funniest, smartest 13 1/2 month old out there.....we aren't biased or anything.  :) 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Farmer's Market

Saturday we went the farmer's market at Pioneer Park.  The weather was perfect, it wasn't too hot and Nolan loves being out and about.  We bought some peas and I can't wait to go back to get more throughout the summer.  Towards the end of walking around Nolan was so sleepy he cuddled up with Aunt Macy - he never does this, ever!  When we got home he had a super long nap!  The kid with the buckets was amazing....i'm sure he walked away with a bunch of money that day!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Friday night we stayed at Collie and Zach's house in Heber to ride along with them to the Salem Spring RaceTri that we were going to on Saturday morning.  Ryan and Zach went fishing, while me and Collie stayed home with the boys and caught up on our shows that we love! 

Collie was up bright and early Saturday morning to head down to Salem with her neighbors.  On her way to their house her bag got caught in the handlebars and she was flipped off her bike.  She brushed it off even though her elbow was hurting like crazy and went down to the race.  A few minutes before we were going to leave the house Zach got a call from Collie that she wasn't going to do the race, her elbow hurt too bad.  We were all sad about that and drove down thinking she wasn't going to do it. 
We find everyone at the race and notice that Collie isn't there with everyone else.  I asked my dad where she was and he said that she was in the water about to start.  We were all shocked and hoping that she would make it ok.  We watched for Josh to come out of the water, which he did and a while later, Collie came out of the water.  She looked like she was in so much pain and said later she couldn't move her arm at all. 
The next two events were fun to watch and I was so proud of my siblings for doing this.  We were all watching for Collie to make sure she was ok in the bike and run.  During transition Josh would always ask how Collie was doing.  One thing that really touched me was while we were waiting for Collie to finish her run Josh disappeared.  When we finally see Collie coming around the corner, Josh was with her.  He had gone back to make sure she was doing ok and run the last little bit with her.  I wasn't suprised he did that at all and it brings tears to my eyes just remembering that sweet scene of them together.  The whole fam was so proud of them!  That day they Swam 874.89 yards, biked 13.5 miles and ran 3.1 miles.  Next month they are competing in the Spudman Tri - and you better believe we will be there cheering them on! Update on Collie - that afternoon she still wasn't able to move her arm at all so they went to the Dr's.  Come to find out she fractured the radial head in her elbow....she is one tough cookie!

Capital Reef Adventure

Ryan, Jared and Craig went down to Capital Reef National Park over Memorial weekend.  I am still hearing about their trip and how much fun they had on it.  They took their dad on a super long hike, enjoyed camping out, fishing, and spending time together. 

Memorial Weekend

The weekend started out with a bang, celebrating my mom's birthday on Thursday.  The fam went to dinner on Thursday night to Red Robin to celebrate her big day.  Me and Collie went in on a present together for my mom and got her some Toms shoes.  She loved them!  Wish I had a pic from the night, it was a lot of fun.  Ryan was on a business trip to Idaho so he wasn't able to make it. 

Friday, Ryan left in the wee hours of the morning to go to Capital Reef National Park for the weekend with his brother Jared and dad.  They would be gone until Sunday night.  Since Ryan was gone, me and Nolan went to my parents to stay with them for the weekend.  My dad spoiled us with a fantastic dinner on Friday night and the rest of the weekend was spent running errands with them and enjoying our time together, and keeping track of Nolan.  :) 
Sunday, I went to church at their new ward where they are service missionaries.  It was fun to attend their new ward and see the people they have been telling us so much about.  They are doing a great service for the ward they are in and I know the people appreciate them!  Sunday dinner brought everyone together again to celebrate mom and Macy's birthday.  We had tri-tip steaks, watermelon, corn on the cob and cake for dessert.  Ryan and Jared made it back just after we finished dinner.  We played Disney Headbands game and that was a lot of fun.  Since it was getting late, we just stayed at my parents house that night.  Monday morning we went shopping to get Nolan some new shoes and then headed home.  Ryan helped Jared move into his new home and that night we went to Josh and Macy's to celebrate Macy's birthday.  Macy's brother and sister that live in Utah were there too and it is always fun to see them.  Josh did a nice job planning the party and we even had a power rangers piñata.  I love long weekends, but they always seem to go too fast.