Could this little guy be any cuter?! We sure do love him and he definitely keeps us laughing and on our toes each day! At 15 months Nolan.....
*Spin in circles
*Read books but not for too long before he loses interest
*Points at things he wants
*Lets you know when he doesn't want food by not opening his mouth or swatting it away
*Likes to climb on anything he can
*Loves, loves, loves to be outside and go for walks
*Loves to be in the backpack on hikes
*When you say "No" to him, and he doesn't like it, he will come over and hit you - we need to stop this one quick!
*Loves to talk and try to repeat everything we say
*Favorite song to sing is "If You're Happy & You Know It"
*Loves to laugh and be laughed at
*Needs to be where people are - doesn't like to be alone
*Is hit and miss with his sleeping through the night, most nights are good and the other nights when he wakes up it is only once
*Loves to watch other kids play
*Points at dogs, birds, cats and any other animal really
*Says, "Mama", "Dada", "Dog", "Car"
*Signs "All done" and "More"
*Favorite movie is Dancing with Animals - he doesn't sit through it all the way but loves the parts he watches
1 comment:
I love it when you post what he does at each milepost. It helps me get to know him a little better.
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