Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Nolan's First 4....

Monday night we had to take Nolan to the Instacare for his first 4 stitches.  He was running in the kitchen, tripped on a rug and fell.  He has done this many times before, but this time he hit his head on the bar that holds the chair legs together pretty hard.  I knew instantly that we would be going to get stitches for him.  I ran in the kitchen to pick him up and Ryan came rushing over.  I didn't see any blood at first, but after looking at his eye I saw the blood.  We tried to wipe it off, but Nolan wouldn't have any of that.  He was crying and in a lot of pain. 
Ryan quickly looked up instacares in the area and we were off.  I called the instacare from the car just to make sure they were able to give stitches to toddlers.  The last thing I wanted to have happen was for us to get there to find out they couldn't help us.  Ryan dropped Nolan and I off at the door while he parked the car.  After talking to the lady at the front desk, she went back to get a nurse to begin the numbing process.  Nolan didn't like this at all.  I don't think it was the numbing process he didn't like, I think it was that we had to hold his arms down and his head still in order for it to work.  We waited in the lobby for 20 minutes for the numbing stuff to take action.  Nolan fell asleep while we were waiting to be called back - he was so cute laying there fast asleep in Ryan's arms with the bandage over his eye.  
After they called us back to the room, we laid Nolan on a bed and the nurse wrapped him in a warm blanket to ensure that his arms wouldn't get in the way of the procedure.  (Smart move on their part!) He was a trooper while the Dr. was giving him the stitches. We were back at home within an hour of when the accident happened and he was back to running around the house like normal. 
While Nolan was going through all of this I kept thinking if I could trade places with him, I would and that I would take all of the pain he is feeling for myself.  I didn't like seeing my little buddy in pain and having to go through with this.  Yes, I know it is a simple thing but I still didn't like seeing those tears stream down his face. 
I'm sure this won't be the last set of stitches he will receive in his lifetime.  He is an active boy! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it awful when the little ones are hurt. I think it hurts the parents more than the kids.