Monday, October 29, 2012

Nolan Goes to Nursery

Yesterday, was Nolan's first "official" day in nursery!  He has been coming with me to nursery ever since I was called in there about 3 months ago.  So, he was pretty used to the kids, leaders and what went on.  I had the day "off" yesterday (we have enough people so we can rotate out- which is nice) so I just walked him up there, dropped him off in the younger kids class and tried to leave.  He clung to my leg which he never does, since he is so social and is typically running into every room.  But after one of the leaders showed him a ball, he ran over there and I left.  It was nice to sit in Relief Society and Sunday School without having to chase him or be out in the hall with him, but I did miss him and hoped he was doing OK and getting along with the other kids (not hitting, throwing etc).  When I went to pick him up, he came running over and was so happy.  He held his picture that he had drawn one mark on all the say down the stairs into the chapel. I can't believe he is getting so big and old enough to go to nursery. 

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