Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

On Halloween night I had the bright idea for us to go to Crabtree mall and trick or treat around to the different stores. Well, I think everyone else in the area had the same idea because it was a madhouse. I think the heavy rain and colder temps added to the craziness, but it was still fun and I loved seeing Nolan in his costume. I only took one pic that night, there were other people from the ward there but I didn't get a pic of us all together. I think this mall experience will be the last....

Nolan and his buddy Isaiah

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Who Done It?

On Friday night, we went to a murder mystery party at the Moore's. It was an 80's themed party and we were all given our "character" before and were told what to wear to the party. Everyone looked great in their 80's attire and the evening was so fun!! We ate, and played our part for the whole party. We all had to guess who the murder was that killed Alligator Dundee with a rubix cube - I guessed wrong! The murderer was Lindy Lauper. We have the greatest friends and i'm glad no one had a video camera to record my "cheer" to Tony. :)

Lindy Lauper with Jessica Bunny

Toni Oregano with Wee Pee Vermon

Nork from Pork with Polly Abdool

The Guys....Andrew, Anthony, Ian, Ryan and Jeff

The Girls...Shantel, Christine, Autumn, Me, Catherine, Sheri

Danny Son with Spunky Brewster

Lindy Lauper with Teen Wolf Scott Howard

Toni Oregano with Wee Pee Vermon

Debbie Gribson with Alligator Dundee

Such a fun night - the babies all had a sleepover upstairs while their parents were downstairs at the party. :)

How Does This Look?

Not going to happen anytime soon....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's Your Next Move?

That is the question Ryan is constantly asking Nolan - What is your next move Nolan? When Nolan is on the floor, rolling over, sitting up or just lying on the floor Ryan will ask him this question. We always laugh about it and it makes Nolan smile, which isn't hard to do. Nolan's latest trick is straightening his arms, and lifting his bottom in the air. He is getting so strong!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The First Step Is Admitting....

Well, I guess I would consider myself a Dukie - yes a Duke fan. Living in the triangle for the last 3 years we would get asked which team we cheered for and we would always say all of them, NCSU, Duke and UNC. People would look at us like we were crazy when we would tell them we cheered for all 3 teams and told us that we had to pick a team. Well after living here for a while, I have decided that I cheer for Duke. For no other reason that I love the campus, loved going to a game in Cameron Indoor and feeling the energy there, and I have been to 2 Duke football games. There, I admitted it....

Today we went with the Foley's to the Duke vs. Florida State game and it was so fun! We went to a pre-game BBQ, found seats in the shade and watched Duke get slaughtered. The weather was perfect and we even bought Nolan a Duke t-shirt. Nolan was great during the game and even slept for an hour during the game.
Thanks Foley's for a fun time!

Lisa Jean playing with Nolan

Nolan loved the game!

Monday, October 10, 2011

To Utah and Back....

Wednesday, October 5

Our flight left super early in the morning – I’m talking 6:00 am so I was up at 3:30 am to get us out the door on time. Luckily for us, security and the bag check line was nonexistent which never happens for us and we were done with everything and at our gate within 10 minutes of being dropped off. I went up to the counter to ask for a gate check tag for the car seat before we began boarding. The lady at the desk was very helpful and asked if I wanted a seat for the baby instead of having him on my lap the whole flight…well it took me a whole 2 seconds to answer that question….Yes, please! Our flight was basically empty, which again, never happens to us. Everyone on the plane had their own row with the exception of me and the lady in front of me who had car seats in the seats next to us. Nolan did great on the flight up to Minneapolis – sleeping most of the flight. The flight to SLC was good too, but he had to sleep on my lap this time which meant he didn’t sleep the whole flight. But again, he did great and didn’t cry at all on either plane ride.

My sister picked us up from the airport and we were so excited to see her and her son Corbin. Every time I go to SLC it feels so familiar and I love it! I love the mountains, the straight streets, how I know where I am going in the city and how things have changed, yet they feel the same at the same time. My dad came home early from work to see us and we spent the afternoon chatting, getting haircuts and enjoying the time together. Eventually my mom and Josh got home from work and we all enjoyed a nice dinner from CafĂ© Rio. Jared came over to my parent’s house to see us and it was good to see him.

Thursday, October 6

My dad took the next few days off while we were in town. We ran a few errands to Harmon’s and Costco. I took Nolan and went to visit my friend, Sara, from my old work. It was great seeing her and I could not believe how much her daughters have grown up. I guess that is what happens when you don’t see someone for 2 years.

I had my mom make tuna casserole for dinner. Macy came up from Provo and we all played the card game scum while watching baseball playoffs. Ryan went with Jared to pick out a shirt for his med school interviews. Oh and the weather was very cold – I’m talking it snowed in the mountains and on the benches. Definitely were not prepared to see snow on this trip.

Friday, October 7

We enjoyed a great breakfast together – French toast with cinnamon swirl bread from Kneaders. It was amazing! Josh came home in between class and work. The boys went to lunch at an Indian place downtown, dropped Josh off at work, went to Jared’s lab and then came back home. The girls and Nolan went to lunch at Olive Garden and to the mall to do some shopping. Wish Collie and her boys could have been there too but they were down at Lake Powell for the weekend. Grandma D came up for dinner and we had BLT’s at my request. Jared came over, Macy came up from Provo and we all watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Saturday, October 8

I wish I could say we slept in this morning, but no such luck. We met up with the Sanders family at IHOP for breakfast. It is always fun to see them and we are glad they are flexible when we are in town so we are able to meet up. We took Nolan to my cousin’s house so she could watch him while we went to the U game. This was definitely a highlight of the weekend. The weather was a little chilly during the first half of the game. I had to settle for hot chocolate instead of a snow cone….The sun came out for the second half which was nice. The Utes lost to Arizona State, but it was still fun to see a game in Rice Eccles Stadium. My aunt and uncle have a snow come machine at their house, when we went to pick up Nolan my cousin made me a snow cone which made my afternoon! My dad had the good idea to put some stew in the crock pot before we left for the game so when we got home we had dinner waiting for us. It was perfect!

Sunday, October 9

Once again we had an early flight out of town – I did this on purpose so we weren’t getting back to Raleigh so late. The bag check and security lines were empty once again, we really lucked out on that this trip. I was also able to get Nolan a seat again on the flight to Atlanta. He slept the whole 3 hour flight…I did too. J Nolan slept for about half the flight from Atlanta to Raleigh, but that flight is only 57 minutes which seemed like nothing after flying for 3 hours earlier that day. The trip went too quick and it is always sad leaving family. Thanks mom and dad for the great trip and to the other family members for coming to see us while we were in town!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nolan at 5 Months

I know I say this every time I do a monthly post on Nolan, but man time is just flying by! I cannot believe how big he is getting!

At 5 months Nolan....

*Loves to suck on his hands - especially his thumb
*Rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy like a champ
*Arches his back and moves around way to much when I am changing his diaper...i'm pretty sure he is too young to be moving so much when he is getting his diaper changed, isn't that for the later months?
*Is very ticklish and we love to hear him giggle
*Is very easy going and doesn't get too confused on his schedule when we go out on weekends and has to sleep on a bed or at a different house for the first part of the night
*Still wakes up 2-3 times a night
*Started eating rice cereal and appeared to like it
*Has a hard time going to sleep at night...he will fall asleep for about 45 minutes and then wake up crying and then it is a long process to get him back to sleep. Any suggestions for that.....
*Likes to be sitting up - when we have him on his back he lifts his head so he is either trying to sit up or doing exercises
*I love to whisper in his ear and see him smile and try to talk back to me

My favorite time with Nolan is in the morning when he wakes up until we drop him off at the babysitter. He is so happy and smiley and I love getting him ready for the day. He continues to make us very happy and we love him more and more each day. We love his gummy smile and how his eyes twinkle when he smiles. Looking at his hair now, you would never know it was very dark when he was born. I wonder if it will stay blonde... He rarely cries, and will go to other people with no problem.