Monday, October 3, 2011

Nolan at 5 Months

I know I say this every time I do a monthly post on Nolan, but man time is just flying by! I cannot believe how big he is getting!

At 5 months Nolan....

*Loves to suck on his hands - especially his thumb
*Rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy like a champ
*Arches his back and moves around way to much when I am changing his diaper...i'm pretty sure he is too young to be moving so much when he is getting his diaper changed, isn't that for the later months?
*Is very ticklish and we love to hear him giggle
*Is very easy going and doesn't get too confused on his schedule when we go out on weekends and has to sleep on a bed or at a different house for the first part of the night
*Still wakes up 2-3 times a night
*Started eating rice cereal and appeared to like it
*Has a hard time going to sleep at night...he will fall asleep for about 45 minutes and then wake up crying and then it is a long process to get him back to sleep. Any suggestions for that.....
*Likes to be sitting up - when we have him on his back he lifts his head so he is either trying to sit up or doing exercises
*I love to whisper in his ear and see him smile and try to talk back to me

My favorite time with Nolan is in the morning when he wakes up until we drop him off at the babysitter. He is so happy and smiley and I love getting him ready for the day. He continues to make us very happy and we love him more and more each day. We love his gummy smile and how his eyes twinkle when he smiles. Looking at his hair now, you would never know it was very dark when he was born. I wonder if it will stay blonde... He rarely cries, and will go to other people with no problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He has grown up so much. I wouldn't have known him if I had to pick him out of a baby line up!