Ever since we moved to Raleigh, we have wanted to venture down to Charleston, SC. Everyone who has been there has only told us good things about the place and that only increased our desire to go there. Well, last weekend we made it happen!
Friday, we drove down in the Foley van and surprisingly the 2 babies and toddler did great sleeping most of the way down. We stayed at a classy Motel 6 and explored the downtown. We stumbled upon the best diner for dinner, Justine's Kitchen. After dinner, we walked along King street, a local street market and drove around the area.
Saturday, I had my very first visit to Bojangles. I was not disappointed at all and the Boberry biscuits were amazing! The Foley's went to a VMI rugby game while me and Ryan drove around the city and explored it a little more. We went over a lot of bridges, saw the city views of all the cathedrals that are there, and walked along the water wishing we had signed up for a sailing tour.
What Follace trip would be complete without Ryan having us visit some architecture?! Ryan had us drive out to the Inn at Middleton Place. It is award winning in its design and was on Ryan's must see list. When we pulled up, everything was gated off so we had Ryan go in the office and talk to the person at the desk to see if we could tour the grounds and see the buildings. Well, he worked his charm because she let us go in and tour the grounds. I had no clue what to expect when we pulled in, but this was a really neat place and I hope someday we can stay there.

Next, we went to the garden entrance and noticed what looked like a private party under the gazebo. Ryan had to get pictures and so Ian drove the loop and we felt so out of place driving the van on the dirt road while some people were having a fancy party outside. Other than the car almost getting stuck in the sand and Ian having to go "off roading" in the van we quickly left the garden portion of the property and began the long drive back to NC. It was the perfect little getaway for the weekend!
It was a great trip and I'm glad we finally made it!
It looks like this was a great trip. Nolan seems to be such a great little traveler. ...Good thing with his Dad!!! Love you, Mom.
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