Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mirror Lake Adventure

On Saturday, we went up to Mirror lake in the Uintah mountains.  We invited Collie's family to come along with us.  We weren't able to leave until mid-day due to kids naps and primary activities, but it worked out perfect.  We drove up to Collie and Zach's house in Heber and piled in their car so we could all drive together.  From their house it is only about an hour drive which isn't too bad. 
It was sprinkling a little on the way there, but we didn't think too much of it and Ryan made a comment that he had checked the weather and it shouldn't be raining for long.   I hadn't been to the Uintah's in a long time and had forgotten how beautiful it is there.  It was cloudy most of the drive there and the rain continued most of our drive.  We made it to the lake and found a parking spot.  When we parked the car, the rain was just starting to stop.  We sent Ryan and Zach out to find us a table.  They came back and said they had found a table pretty close.  We unloaded all the kids and our stuff and Sammy (their dog) and set out to the table. 
I guess I had forgotten how cold it can get in the mountains, even in the summer and I am sad to report I didn't bring a coat or long sleeve shirt for myself.  I brought a long sleeve shirt for Nolan and Ryan packed a coat for himself.  Luckily, we had a blanket that I could use and it would save me from the cold.  I made a mental note that day to always take a coat to the mountains. 
When we saw the table Ryan and Zach had in mind a couple had just gotten there and sat right in front of the table, but closer to the lake.  We didn't think we could find another table so we waited until they left to move into that spot.  I made the comment that we had "smoked them out" of our spot!  :) 
Ryan and Zach got all their fishing stuff set up right away.  Me, Collie and the boys huddled under blankets trying to keep warm.  It kept raining off and on but we stuck it out until the wind got so bad that we decided it would be best to go back to the car to warm up.  Ryan and Zach stayed back and fished/watched our stuff. 
We were in the car only for a little while when the rain stopped and we ventured back out to brave the elements.  At this point it was close to 5:00 pm and we were getting hungry, so we started to make dinner.  Right as we were getting dinner started it rained pretty hard again.  Luckily, this would be the last encounter with rain and the sun would come out and I said that I was actually getting hot.  Once the sun came out, you would never have known how cold and rainy it had been. 
Ryan had made hamburgers that we made over the fire and we brought watermelon, chips, chips and salsa, and apple cobbler for dessert made in the dutch oven.  Mmmm  After the sun went down, we loaded everything up and headed home.  On our drive out of the mountains, we saw a bull moose which was neat. 

We will be laughing about all the fun and adventures we had in our few short hours in the Uintah's!


Anonymous said...

I love it that you all work hard and play hard on the weekends. The mountains look gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I love it that you all work hard and play hard on the weekends. The mountains look gorgeous.