....and hello to a smile with teeth!
While I was playing with Nolan this morning I thought to myself that I hadn't checked his gums in a while to see if they were "bulging" meaning a tooth was coming through. So I did and low and behold I felt something sharp. I opened his mouth and I saw his very first tooth coming through. I ran in to tell Ryan the news at 5:45 am and he was as excited as he could be at that early hour. I tried to get a picture of it, but was not successful. I can't believe it and I can't believe he has been doing so well with it. I mean he doesn't sleep through the night so that wasn't an indicator, his naps have been ok and he hasn't been super fussy or anything. He was a little needy last week, but I thought it was in conjunction with his shots he received at his 6 month appointment.
Anyway, let the teething begin!
Anyway, let the teething begin!
Such a big milestone! And if you feel one tooth it means you see number two right next to it really soon! It's the cutest to see two little teeth.
I can't believe he wasn't even fussy. He has the best personality ever.
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