Friday, June 13, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Yesterday was Mother's Day and Ryan made sure it was a special day for me.  He made us heart shaped pancakes for breakfast.  Ryan had picked up a nice card and a new blazer for work from H&M.  Nolan made a cute book, card and flowers at school for me.  We went to church, where we received flowers after sacrament meeting.  We all took naps and Ryan made the pioneer woman's taco soup.  Jared and Annie came over to have dinner with us.  It was a nice day. 


We celebrated Mother's Day with my family on Saturday and had a nice lunch and opened gifts.  Macy made a delicious pasta salad, and my mom had prepared a normal salad, fruit and rolls.  I had a baby shower to attend for my boss at work, so Ryan and Nolan just stayed at my parents house.  Collie did our hair and we trekked home around 9:00 pm.  It was a fun Saturday!

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