Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Toilet Training 101

For the past few weeks after work, we would work with him and have him sit on the toilet.  Nothing ever happened, but at least he got used to being int he bathroom.  On Saturday, January 10th we decided that would be "the day" we would stay home and really focus on Nolan using the toilet.  I'm not going to say it was easy, it was frustrating and i'm glad that day is over.  Nolan came home from pre-school dry on Friday and he woke up dry on Saturday so we rushed into the bathroom....nothing....we set a timer for 15 minutes in the morning.  Around 1:00 pm after doing the timer every 15 minutes, he finally went to the bathroom.  He had held it all morning and so of course he was crying the entire time he went.  We used the reward system and every time he sat on the toilet he got a M&M, if he went to the bathroom he would get an Oreo cookie.  He went one more time that day.  We rewarded him that night by going to the planetarium with Jared and Annie.  He had a lot of fun.  We had him in a pull up when we went out.

Sunday, he woke up dry and we went right to the bathroom.  We were in there for an hour and a half sitting on the toilet with him before church.  He finally went.  He stayed dry during church and after church we went to my parents, where he used the toilet.

He went the whole week in a pull up and only had 3 accidents throughout the entire week.  He won't tell us if he needs to go, we just have to guess and take him to the bathroom every hour or couple of hours.

On Saturday, January 19 we had Nolan in big boy undies and he did so well.  He didn't have an accident.  I don't think we are in the clear but it is getting better and it isn't a fight (most of the time) to get him to use the toilet. 

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