Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Changes Coming Our Way

I have been looking off and on for a new job for a while.  I enjoyed the people I worked with at WGU, but was ready for a change.  I applied for an academic advisor job at the U back in January and was selected to go in for an interview.  They asked me to come back for a second interview with the head of the department and felt that both meetings went well.  This it the type of job that I had in mind when I earned my graduate certificate in educational counseling.  I had been looking for a job like this since we moved back to Utah and everything sounded perfect and the department was small and everyone I met while doing the interviews was very nice and I could see myself working well with them.  When they told me I wasn't selected for the job, I was disappointed but thought to myself that I would just stay at WGU for a little longer and get my bonus and then start looking for jobs again at the U.  

Flash forward to the end of May - I was on the computer at home and the thought came to my mind to just check out the jobs on the U's website again since I hadn't looked/applied for anything since January.  I narrowed the search down to postings during the last week and wouldn't you know, the first job at the top of the list was the same academic advisor posting I had applied and interviewed for back in January.  A flood of emotions came over me and I thought I should apply, then I thought I shouldn't apply and that went back and forth for a bit.  I decided to talk to Ryan about it and see what he thought and sleep on it and see how I felt in the morning.  I couldn't stop thinking about the job and why in the world it would be posted again, but ultimately I decided to apply.  They already knew who I was, obviously liked me a little since I made it through 2 rounds of interviews the fist time around and it was a job that I really wanted!  Plus, the worst that could happen was they didn't offer me the job for a second time and I keep looking.  

I received a call a few days after I applied and they wanted me to come in for an interview on Thursday morning with the same ladies I had met with the first time around.  The next day they called back and wanted me to come early next week to meet with the head people again.  The one thing I was nervous about was I had jury duty that whole week and was supposed to call in each night.  If my number was read, that would mean I had to go to the courthouse for jury duty.  I told the ladies about my possible jury duty during my first interview so there would be no surprises.  Luckily, I didn't have jury duty on Tuesday, my number was 4 away from the group of numbers called.  So I was able to go in for my second interview with the head of the department.  The interview with them went well and again, I felt that it was in their hands and would know soon either way.  A couple of days after that interview, the manager called and offered me a conditional offer for the position.  The only thing left would be for her to talk to my current manager.  I asked that she wait a couple of hours so I could go in and tell her about the phone call and the possibility of me leaving if that all went well.    I went and told Jennie and she took it well and said she would only be able to say good things about me.  

Their phone call went well and shortly after the manger at the U called me to officially offer me the position and we discussed when I would start and what my salary would be.  I went in and officially told Jennie I was giving my 2 weeks notice and that is how it all went down. 

I am sad to leave the people I work with at WGU, but cannot wait to start this new adventure at the U doing something I will truly enjoy and have been looking for since we moved back to SLC.  I start the job at the U on Monday, June 24 and couldn't be more excited! 

written Thursday, June 6, 2013

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