Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Things I want to remember about Nolan at this stage in life......

I feel like Nolan has grown up so much in the past few months, and I don't want to forget some of the things that he is doing right now.  In no particular order.....

*In the morning he will climb out of his crib, open the door and come looking for us.  When he sees us, he will say, "Good morning." and give us a hug.  
*He climbs out of his crib after we put him in bed at night, depending on the night this might happen 2 or 3 times before he will stay in there.
*I received a compliment from one of Nolan's teachers yesterday at pre-school - she said that he is very polite and always says, "Please" and "Thank you".  I was happy to hear this.
*When we ask Nolan what he did during the day it goes something like this, "Play-dough, songs, snack, outside" 
*Says, "Awww, cute" to birds, cats, dogs and babies
*He opens the fridge and gets whatever he wants to eat
*He still loves shooting hoops and is pretty good at it
*Likes to build towers and line up his sharks/ducks/dinosaurs
*Doesn't like to sit in high chairs anymore - he has to sit at the table with everyone 
*Whenever he sees anything related to the Utah Utes, he will point and say Utah, Utah, Utah.  We also taught him U-T-A-H, fight, fight, fight.  So he will sing that sometimes.
*He intermixes twinkle twinkle little star and the a,b,c's when singing them
*Nolan is very smart and knows what he wants and will tell us what he wants - he isn't perfect by any means and throws tantrums with the best of them, but he can talk when he wants to
*Loves helicopters and airplanes - he will say, "Mom, airplane right there." and point to the sky
*His favorite movie right now it All About Monster Trucks - it is a 90's movie on NetFlicks that we came across one day....
*Loves bugs and loves to squish them
*Likes to help throw things away and help when he can
*Waffles are his new favorite food - he will always say, "Butter on it please" after it comes out of the toaster
*Super smiley and happy
*Sings to himself - No more monkies jumping on the couch (instead of bed) 
*Doesn't like to wear shoes and socks - don't know where this came from but it started a couple of weeks ago
*Doesn't like to change clothes, if he is in his pajamas he wants to stay in them, if he is in shorts-he wants to leave them on.
*Loves being outside - I wish we had a yard so he could just go out and play all the time.  We have a school close, but it just isn't the same.
*We have not made it through a whole sacrament meeting yet - he starts screaming to hear his voice echo while the sacrament is being passed and that is usually our cue to leave
*He likes singing Happy Birthday to Easton, Corbin and Macy
*He likes doing the actions to the songs: Itsy, Bitsy, Spider; Wheels on the Bus; Popcorn Popping and the Rainbow Song (red and yellow and pink and green....)
*Loves his cousins, Corbin, Easton and Cousin Alec.  At least once a day he will ask where they are

I'm sure there are more things that i'm missing, but these are a few of the things I want to remember about Nolan right now.

written July 11, 2013

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