Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Annual Back to School Camp Out

A few weeks ago, Josh had an idea to have a back to school camp out with everyone.  He and Macy planned everything for it.  Ryan got off work early, picked up Nolan and met up with Josh, Collie and her kids to head up the canyon to get a camping spot.  The original plan had been to go to the Spruces, but that was full so we went to Redmond just up the street a ways and it was fantastic.  Mom and dad went up after work.  Macy drove up later after her work.  I had new student orientation so I ended up getting there around 9:30 pm.  We had tin foil dinners, played charades, s'mores of course and talked around the fire.  I was a little nervous about how Nolan would sleep - we put him with us on the air mattress and made sure he was covered up so he wouldn't get too cold.  Collie and Zach have a huge tent that we all slept in.  It was really fun.  
Saturday morning we got up and Josh had a fire going - he got up at 5:00 am for some reason and started chopping wood.  We had breakfast and packed everything up.  Ryan went fishing for a bit, but didn't catch anything.  We all drove up to Silver Lake and walked around.  It was a great day and a fun trip.  We all agreed that we will do it again next year!

 written August 24, 2013

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